Do you want to get your sixth form diploma?
If you’re over 20, or you’ll turn 20 in the year of the test and you don’t already have the sixth form diploma certificate, you’ll be able to get it by taking just a few exams.
And if you’ve already passed some subjects, you won’t have to do all the exams, just the ones that you haven’t passed yet.
Get in touch to explain your situation and we’ll help you with everything you need to know. Our classes will help prepare you to apply for your sixth form diploma.
Our educational team carries out student evaluations. As such, we monitor the student’s attendance and academic progress whilst working towards this diploma.
At Easter, Feria and Christmas the academy stays open and we offer study room classes to help you make the most of your time.
If you need support classes to help you to obtain this diploma, you can count on us: our great educational team is waiting to help you achieve this goal.
We know it’s not easy to start studying again which is why our teachers closely monitor the student’s progress in these courses.
We provide you with all our own materials, additional study rooms to help you clear up any doubts and top tips and advice to make your preparation for the exams needed to get the sixth form diploma as easy as possible.
La duración de estas clases es desde octubre hasta abril, de lunes a jueves en horario de mañana o de tarde.
Contamos con un servicio gratuito los viernes por la tarde para reforzar los puntos que se considere oportuno en nuestras salas de estudio que cuentan con varios profesores que atenderán tus dudas puntuales. La reserva de las salas de estudio se puede realizar a través de nuestra plataforma.
You need to be 20, or turning 20, in the year that you plan to take the exam. You can register for the exam even if you’re studying elsewhere, including at sixth form.
Sadly it’s not possible to retake exams in order to improve your previous marks, you can only take exams that you haven’t already passed.
The exam is broken down into 8 different tests, depending on the sixth form subjects that you specialised in: Humanities and Social Sciences (with two possible pathways), Science and Arts.
If you haven’t already passed any subjects in sixth form, you’ll register for grouped subjects. The test includes information covered in lower and sixth form and lasts two hours. If you passed some subjects in lower sixth form, you’ll register for those exams as individual subjects. In this case, the test only includes topics studied in upper sixth form and lasts an hour. If you’ve passed some subjects but not others, you can do some individual subjects and other grouped subjects.
To apply for the exams to get a sixth form diploma, you need to register with proof of age and submit documentation about any previous sixth form studies.
You can find the application form on the Department of Education’s website (Consejería de Educación).
Puedes reservar desde casa tu plaza para las clases de preparación de la Prueba Libre de Bachillerato en nuestra academia.
Usa tu tarjeta de crédito Visa y MasterCard o realiza una transferencia bancaria. Se te cargarán 50€ de manera totalmente segura y ya habrás reservado tu plaza.
Have you got any questions? Get in touch