At Méndez Núñez Teaching Academy we have extensive experience teaching the subjects that are covered in secondary school and sixth form.
You can find us and our qualified and motivated teachers in the very centre of Seville. We will help you to channel your efforts, clear up your doubts and strengthen your knowledge of the subjects that you most struggle with.
In our classes, which are online and in person, you will go over everything you learn at school, and do extra exercises to clarify the more complicated subjects, with the support and encouragement of our staff.
Support classes for secondary school and sixth form
Support classes throughout the academic year that follow the curriculum taught in secondary schools. Recuperation classes in the summer for students that are going to do the exams in September and need to brush up on some subjects.
We have a teaching team that oversees student’s progress, monitors attendance and reports back on everything related to evaluations.
Our academy remains open at Easter, Feria and Christmas and we offer study rooms at this time to help the students clear up any doubts they have.
You can count on us if you need support classes. Call us to find out more information, we’ll be pleased to help you.
The classes at our academy consist of helping the student with their homework and school projects and resolving any doubts they have about the subject.
The classes run from October to June, and take place in the afternoon from Monday to Thursday.
Free service on Friday afternoons to go over any topics the students are struggling with. The study rooms are a more personalised service whereby various teachers answer and help with specific questions the students have.
Students can reserve a space for the weekly study rooms through our online platform.
It’s easy to reserve your place for secondary school and sixth form support classes at our academy from home.
You can use a Visa or MasterCard credit card or do a bank transfer. You’ll be charged €50 and your place will be reserved.
Do you have any questions? Contact Us