Academia Méndez Núñez

A2 English (KET or KEY exams) is defined as “elementary” or basic. If you achieve this level, you’ll have mastered the basics of English and will be able to communicate simple needs.

There are various opportunities to take the A2 exam in Seville throughout the year. As your preparational centre, we’ll keep you up to date with the exam dates as they’re released.

We offer classes for Cambridge, Trinity and Aptis exams. We’re an authorised exam centre for the Trinity exam and preparation centre for the Cambridge exams.

Get A2 level with us and begin communicating in English

Our course, taught both in person and online, provides you with a level of English with which you’ll be able to understand basic phrases and expressions related to things like personal and family information, shopping, work and local geography. It will also enable you to describe simple daily tasks and routines and so explain a bit about your background.

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