Demonstrate your level of English with a certificate that’s accepted everywhere. Having the First certificate of English (FCE) or B2 is now a requirement for many jobs.
With this certificate you can apply for jobs at bilingual schools, and work in the health sector in most countries. You’ll have good enough English to be able to work in tourism and other jobs that require communication with international visitors. It’s increasingly important in engineering too.
There are various opportunities to take the B2 exam in Seville throughout the year.
Get your B2 certificate in English
We open new groups at various stages throughout the year in our academy. We have classes in the morning and afternoon, and you can attend either in person or online. Each class is 2 hours and there are two classes a week.
If you sign up to our course, you’ll also receive detailed information about how to register for the exam, or we can register for you as we’re an authorised preparation centre for the Cambridge exams. We’ll also give you instructions so that everything goes smoothly on the day of the exam.
We offer classes for Cambridge, Trinity and Aptis exams. We’re an authorised exam centre for the Trinity exam and an authorised preparation centre for the Cambridge exams.
The classes are primarily practical, and carried out entirely in English. We provide you with all of the teaching materials needed in the course when you join.
The course runs for 8 months, starting at the beginning of October and finishing at the end of May.
Our teaching method prioritises getting you comfortable with the structure and features of the exam. We cover Reading and Writing in every class and put special emphasis on Listening and Speaking to help you increase your confidence with those sections (we know that these are normally the two areas students find most difficult).
Study at our academy and you can take advantage of the fact that our teachers are native and highly experienced. They are skilled at teaching English and preparing students for the Cambridge and Aptis exams you need to take to finish your university degrees.
It’s easy to reserve your place to study B2 English and achieve the First certificate at our academy from home.
You can use a Visa or MasterCard credit card or do a bank transfer. You’ll be charged €25 and your place will be reserved.
Do you have any questions? Contact Us