On getting the DELF B2 French, you’ll be able to work in jobs which need you to be able to communicate in unexpected situations.
There are various exam dates throughout the year so you can take the exam when you feel ready to. At our academy we’ll keep you updated as and when the dates are announced.
In this course you’ll learn to understand the main ideas in complex texts and be able to interact with native speakers naturally and fluently.
Each class is 2 hours and there are two classes per week and can be attended both in person or online.
In these classes you’ll study comprehension (reading and listening) and expression (writing and speaking), and our teachers will help you with any questions or problems you have.
This course lasts for 4 months with 2 possible start dates: from October to January, or February to May
The teachers in our academy are qualified and highly experienced, they’ll help you to pass the B2 French exam.
It’s easy to reserve your place to study B2 French and achieve the DELF certificate at our academy from home.
You can use a Visa or MasterCard credit card or do a bank transfer. You’ll be charged €25 and your place will be reserved..
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