Pass the entrance test for high grade vocational training
If you’re thinking of going back to or expanding your academic education, vocational training could be a good option for you, especially as many of the courses are a gateway into the labour market.
There’s a wide range of modules to choose from for Higher Grade so you’re sure to find something of interest to you. This highly practical training is increasingly effective in helping young people find work.
Electronics, graphic design, information technology, radiotherapy and mechanics to name a few, whichever area you choose, at Méndez Núñez Academy we have teachers and classes for all the subjects you need so you can pass the entrance test and do your higher grade vocational training.
Our course runs through the academic year and you can attend either in person or online.
Our preparation classes to pass the Higher Grade Vocational Training entrance test start in October and continue until April.
You can make the most of Christmas, Easter and Feria to study using the Study Room sessions our academy provides.
We offer classes for all of the subjects that appear in this entrance test and dedicate 3 hours to each subject per week, separated into two classes of an hour and a half.
Our classes run from Monday to Thursday each week and you can decide whether you want your classes in the morning or afternoon.
Our educational team is continuously evaluating our students’ academic progress.
We also provide free Study Rooms on Friday afternoons for students taking our classes to prepare for the Higher Grade Vocational Training test. By attending, students have the opportunity to ask any further questions they may have about the subject and clear up any doubts. Students can reserve a space for these study rooms through our online platform.
To pass the Higher Grade Vocational Training test, you have to pass various exams – the standard tests and the more specific tests.
Within the standard tests there are subjects like Spanish Language and Literature, Maths and a foreign language.
For the specific part you have to choose one of 3 options depending on the vocational training course you’re going to do:
– Option A: Business Economics, Geography, a second foreign language
– Option B: Physics, Technical Drawing, Industrial Technology.
– Option C: Chemistry, Biology and Earth Science and Environmental Science
In each option, two exercises will be chosen at the time of the test, from the three possible.
It’s easy to reserve your place for classes to pass the entrance test for Higher Grade Vocational Training at our academy from home.
You can use a Visa or MasterCard credit card or do a bank transfer. You’ll be charged €50 and your place will be reserved.
Do you have any questions? Contact Us