Pass the Vocational Training (Ciclos Formativos) entry exam with us
At the Méndez Núñez Academy, we complete our academic services with classes to prepare the exams for access to the Middle Degree Training Cycles.
Year after year students in Seville choose us to support them and provide them with the knowledge and practice required to pass the tests to get into the vocational training courses (previously known as formacíon profesional or FP)
The course runs throughout the academic year to give you time to prepare yourself for the exams gradually and without stress. The classes are taught both in person and online.
Starting in October and running until the day of the exam, we provide classes to prepare you for the test to get into Middle Grade Vocational Training Courses.
You can take advantage of Christmas, Easter and Feria to study as our academy remains open during these holidays.
We offer classes for all subjects in this entrance test. Each class is one hour and a half and each subject has two classes a week. These classes take place in the afternoon from Monday to Thursday.
We evaluate the student’s progress throughout the course.
We also provide free additional study rooms for students taking our classes to prepare for the Middle Grade Vocational Training test. Attending these study rooms, students have the opportunity to ask any further questions they may have about the subject and clear up any doubts. Students can reserve a space for the weekly study rooms through our online platform.
All middle grade vocational training courses require students to take an entrance test. The structure of the test depends on the area the student wants to study:
– The field of Communication: subjects required are Spanish Language, Spanish Literature and a foreign language (English or French).
– The Social sphere: subjects required are Social Sciences, Geography and History.
– The field of Science and Technology: subjects required are Mathematics, Technology, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and Geology.
It’s easy to reserve your place for classes to pass the entrance test for Middle Grade Vocational Training at our academy from home.
You can use a Visa or MasterCard credit card or do a bank transfer. You’ll be charged €50 and your place will be reserved.
Do you have any questions? Contact Us